Individual Medium post #1

Eric Chang
2 min readApr 21, 2021

The notion of Sound in this context of extra-coloniality based on Geoff detailing Afro-Jamaicans and Chinese Jamaicans of bridging their cultural divide and forming a distinctive culture of sounds called reggae. Where extra coloniality created concepts of relationships, unlike in Hawaii where extra-coloniality enforced by White Plantation Owners created artificial segregation by planting Chinese migrants within a single zone of occupancy are unable to expand their soundscape in their interactions with other cultures, especially the case with native Hawaiians.

In regards to Capitalism as the destruction of relationships, if we think in the context of exploitative resource gain as a cause of creating inequality, then any economic model can be considered racial nature as wealth distribution is never equal in giving resources to people. Racial bias was formed out of the notion of cultural superiority and empire-building especially in the age of imperialism. An imperialistic nation born from Roman values of International Norms of Imperium and productivity. What any student of history can tell is way before the birth of the Capitalism model.

The idea of why cultural harmony worked is the difference between Hawaii and Jamaica I would say in the context of empire, Hawaii and Jamaica had different state-hood births as Hawaii was a sovereign nation that faced the blight of imperialism and colonization. Where existing norms of social relations of the laboring people were based on an imperial doctrine. Unlike in Jamaica where the British had long-established an environment for extra-coloniality of the positive model to exist. Of having a majority African people with a minority Chinese white population. “See the map of Hakka Distribution of Chinese Jamaicans on the island” (105) A case unlike in Hawaii.

